Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Amazing camera

I'm pretty impressed with the camera on my new BB Curve. I think I'll be more successful keeping my blog up to date now that I can post right from my BB.

One drawback though...it's a work BB, so everytime I email to my blog, there's a company auto signature on everything I send, and I can't turn it off. I'll just have to log into Blogger and delete it after the fact.


Unknown said...

the newer BB cams are pretty decent for a phone - my Pearl takes some decent photos (but the LED "flash" is blinding)

Dot O said...

Great shot of your pups! Amazing that your phone took that photo. I have to say it is as good as some of the pics from my Canon SLR.

Thanks for visiting my blog! Our lives may not be exciting but some day, many years from now, it will be fun to be able to page back through our mundane entries so that we can recall what our day-to-day lives were like way back when.

TheOneAndOnlyNora said...

Doug: I'm a notorious 'blinker' and I actually find the LED flash to work well for my blinking issues.

Dot: Thanks! I have a fancy Canon too, but I get overwhelmed by all of its features. I'm thinking this little BB camera will cause my Canon to collect even more dust :-/

Lori Whitwam said...

They look like they're thinking of getting into trouble, are trying to hide the fact that they've gotten into trouble, or suspect that you may have gotten into trouble!

TheOneAndOnlyNora said...

Lori - I don't think there was actually any trouble involved at the point. They generally act a little weird and confused when I try to take their picture though. Trying to get a picture of them together in a decent pose is next thing to impossible!

Jane said...

That is a great picture; it makes me want to upgrade my phone. Alas, my bank account says otherwise. Oh well.